For more than 20 years, the BIOCOM research team of the UMR Agroecology of the INRAe centre in Dijon has been developing research topics on a better description of the large-scale spatial distribution of soil microbial diversity and a better understanding the ecological processes determining these distribution profiles in order to prioritize the environmental factors involved.
To date, results on the abundance and diversity of mushroom communities have been obtained through various projects (Ademe/Burgundy region FungiMIC-RMQS, AgroEcoSol PIA 3 Ademe) and a strong collaboration with Genoscope (Evry, CEA/CNRS). These results are being exploited from an academic point of view through various international peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Le Fonds de dotation Roullier, l’ADEME, l’Office Français de la Biodiversité et TMCE, soutiennent l’équipe de recherche en vue d’élaborer un « Atlas moléculaire français des champignons du sol » sur le modèle de l’Atlas développé pour les bactéries en 2018. La France sera ainsi le seul pays à pouvoir afficher un ensemble d’ouvrages complémentaires sur la microbiologie des sols à l’échelle de son territoire national.
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The objective of this project is to go further in the exploitation of the results obtained on the fungal diversity of French soils by producing a naturalistic work for the public. This synthesis book will provide information on the ecology of fungal communities and describe the different fungal groups observed in French soils, their spatial distribution, their ecological requirements and their interactions.