The 2030 Agenda: A universal sustainable development program
In September 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations adopted a program for Sustainable Development entitled “2030 Agenda ”. The 2030 Agenda is universal, meaning that it applies to all countries, from the North and the South, whatever their level of development. It is organized around the «5P»: at the service of the Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships.
Its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, broken down into 169 more specific targets, form the core of the Agenda and describe the ideal 2030 horizon for sustainable development that involves both social justice and economic growth, peace and solidarity as the preservation of ecosystems.
17 Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 SDGs set the course for a better and more sustainable future for all. They cover issues such as climate, biodiversity, energy, water but also poverty, gender equality, economic prosperity or peace, agriculture, education… These goals are interconnected and address a range of social needs while fighting climate change and protecting the environment. Each SDG is broken down into several indicators to measure the progress and contributions of actors.
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is responsible for monitoring 21 indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals and contributes to 5 others. These indicators mainly concern issues of food security, equal rights for men/women in land and agriculture, access to water and issues of management of terrestrial and aquatic life (fishing, livestock, forest resources, etc.). As a guarantor, FAO helps governments and statistical institutions to produce their national indicators, report on challenges and outcomes, and collect data. It also helps to involve all actors in policy processes and dialogues at the national level, and participates in the global monitoring and revision of the SDGs.
An involvement of all stakeholders in society
All actors in society are called to mobilize around these 17 SDGs: State, citizens, but also businesses, associations, public or private organizations. Within companies, this commitment, which is often part of the CSR approach and the overall strategy of companies, can take various forms: responsible purchasing, socially responsible investment and/or sustainable finance.
The Roullier Endowment Fund integrates the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the selection of each of the projects it supports, in order to contribute to the transition to sustainable agricultural systems. Mitigation of the impact of climate change, support for more respectful solutions to the land, soil and biodiversity, encouragement of sustainable agricultural practices, proximity to farmers: These are all essential elements to take into account in order to encourage tomorrow’s agriculture.
Four priority SDGs for the Roullier Endowment Fund
Through its philanthropy in the service of agriculture, the Endowment Fund contributes in particular to four SDGs:
- SDG 8: Promote sustained, shared and sustainable economic growth, full productive employment and decent work for all. This SDG is reflected in the action of the Roullier Endowment Fund by promoting the search for solutions for a productive, sustainable agriculture for farmers.
- Example of project: PISA Initiative (Brazil)
- SDG 12: Establish sustainable consumption and production patterns. The Roullier Endowment Fund wishes, in relation to this Sustainable Development Goal, to encourage experiments on sustainable agricultural practices, allowing to improve the management of natural resources.
- Example of project: Changes in Agriculture Chair at the ESA Angers
- SDG 13: Take action to address climate change and its impacts. Thus, the Roullier Endowment Fund supports scientific initiatives aimed at finding solutions that allow farmers to limit or mitigate the impacts of climate change on their activities.
- Example of project: Biodiversity and Climate Change Chair
- SDG 15: Preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems, ensuring sustainable use of them, sustainably manage forests, fight desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and end biodiversity loss. The Roullier Endowment Fund favours support for solutions that respect the land, soil and biodiversity as a whole, in accordance with this Sustainable Development Goal.
- Example of project: Plant Inoculation, IRD